
package scredis

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  1. scredis
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. sealed abstract class Aggregate extends AnyRef

    Represents the aggregation function to be used for aggregating scores when computing the union or intersection of sorted sets

  2. sealed abstract class BitOp extends AnyRef

    Base class of a BITOP operation

  3. class BlockingClient extends AkkaBlockingConnection with BlockingListCommands

    Defines a Redis client supporting all blocking commands.

  4. class Client extends AkkaNonBlockingConnection with ConnectionCommands with ServerCommands with KeyCommands with StringCommands with HashCommands with ListCommands with SetCommands with SortedSetCommands with ScriptingCommands with HyperLogLogCommands with PubSubCommands with TransactionCommands

    Defines a Redis client supporting all non-blocking commands.

  5. sealed abstract class ClientType extends AnyRef

    Represents the type of a connected client

  6. final case class CommandFlags(set: HashSet[String]) extends Product with Serializable

    Helper class containing the flags of a command

  7. final case class CommandInfo(name: String, arity: Int, flags: CommandFlags, firstKeyPosition: Int, lastKeyPosition: Int, keyStepCount: Int) extends Product with Serializable

    Holds information about a Redis command.

    Holds information about a Redis command. This type is returned by the COMMAND and COMMAND INFO command

  8. sealed abstract class Condition extends AnyRef

    Represents a condition that can be passed to some Redis command, e.g.

    Represents a condition that can be passed to some Redis command, e.g. SET

  9. abstract class LexicalScoreLimit extends AnyRef

    Represents one end of a lexical interval as defined by sorted set commands

  10. sealed abstract class Position extends AnyRef

    Base class of a position used for the LINSERT command

  11. sealed trait PubSubMessage extends AnyRef

    Base trait for all pub/sub messages.

  12. class Redis extends AkkaNonBlockingConnection with ConnectionCommands with ServerCommands with KeyCommands with StringCommands with HashCommands with ListCommands with SetCommands with SortedSetCommands with ScriptingCommands with HyperLogLogCommands with PubSubCommands with TransactionCommands

    Defines a Redis scredis.Client supporting all non-blocking commands along with a lazily initialized scredis.BlockingClient and scredis.SubscriberClient.

  13. class RedisConfig extends AnyRef

    Holds all configurable parameters.

    Holds all configurable parameters.

    See also


  14. sealed abstract class Role extends AnyRef

    Represents the role of a Redis instance as returned by the ROLE command

  15. abstract class Score extends AnyRef

    Represents the score of sorted set member

  16. abstract class ScoreLimit extends AnyRef

    Represents one end of an interval as defined by sorted set commands

  17. sealed abstract class ShutdownModifier extends AnyRef

    Represents a modifier that can be used with the SHUTDOWN command

  18. final case class SlowLogEntry(uid: Long, timestampSeconds: Long, executionTime: FiniteDuration, command: Seq[String]) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents an entry returned by the SLOWLOG GET command

  19. class SubscriberClient extends SubscriberAkkaConnection with SubscriberCommands

    Defines a Pub/Sub Redis client capable of subscribing to channels/patterns.

  20. type Subscription = PartialFunction[PubSubMessage, Any]

  21. final class TransactionBuilder extends Connection with NonBlockingConnection with ConnectionCommands with HashCommands with HyperLogLogCommands with KeyCommands with ListCommands with PubSubCommands with ScriptingCommands with ServerCommands with SetCommands with SortedSetCommands with StringCommands

  22. sealed abstract class Type extends AnyRef

    Represents the type of a Redis key

Value Members

  1. object Aggregate

    Contains all available aggregation functions

  2. object BitOp

    Contains all available BITOP operations, i.e.

    Contains all available BITOP operations, i.e. AND, OR, XOR and NOT

  3. object BlockingClient

    The companion object provides additional friendly constructors.

  4. object Client

    The companion object provides additional friendly constructors.

  5. object ClientType

    Contains all available client types, i.e.

    Contains all available client types, i.e. normal, slave, pubsub

  6. object Condition

    Contains all available conditions

  7. object LexicalScoreLimit

    Contains all possible lexical score limits, i.e.

    Contains all possible lexical score limits, i.e. -, +, inclusive value and exclusive value

  8. object Position

    Contains all available positions, i.e.

    Contains all available positions, i.e. BEFORE and AFTER

  9. object PubSubMessage

    Contains all pub/sub messages.

  10. object Redis

    The companion object provides additional friendly constructors.

  11. object RedisConfig

  12. object RedisConfigDefaults

  13. object Role

    Contains all available roles, i.e.

    Contains all available roles, i.e. master, slave, sentinel

  14. object Score

    Contains all possible score values, i.e.

    Contains all possible score values, i.e. -inf, +inf or value

  15. object ScoreLimit

    Contains all possible score limit values, i.e.

    Contains all possible score limit values, i.e. -inf, +inf, inclusive value and exclusive value

  16. object ShutdownModifier

    Contains all available SHUTDOWN modifier, i.e.

    Contains all available SHUTDOWN modifier, i.e. SAVE, NO SAVE

  17. object SubscriberClient

    The companion object provides additional friendly constructors.

  18. object Type

    Contains all available Redis types, i.e.

    Contains all available Redis types, i.e. string, list, set, zset and hash

  19. implicit val booleanWriter: Writer[Boolean]

  20. implicit val bytesWriter: Writer[Array[Byte]]

  21. package commands

  22. implicit def doubleToScoreValue(value: Double): Value

  23. implicit val doubleWriter: Writer[Double]

  24. package exceptions

  25. implicit def floatToScoreValue(value: Float): Value

  26. implicit val floatWriter: Writer[Float]

  27. implicit def intToScoreValue(value: Int): Value

  28. implicit val intWriter: Writer[Int]

  29. package io

  30. implicit def longToScoreValue(value: Long): Value

  31. implicit val longWriter: Writer[Long]

  32. package protocol

  33. package serialization

  34. implicit def shortToScoreValue(value: Short): Value

  35. implicit val shortWriter: Writer[Short]

  36. implicit val stringReader: Reader[String]

  37. implicit val stringWriter: Writer[String]

  38. package util

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
